All about Shree Kshetra Ganagapur
Shree kshetra Ganagapur Dattatreya temple is a very holy place and rich in culture, tradition which is followed by many people around the world as Guru Sthanam.
Reason behind worshipping Guru Dattatreya is, if you want to follow Vishnu tradition you will be going to Vishnu temples, if you want to follow Shankara you will be following Shiva temples, But if you follow Guru Dattatreya you will be following everyone i.e. Bramha, Vishnu and Maheshwara i.e. complete universe(Refer Guru Charitra Chaper no: 4 where Lord Dattatreya born).
This place is very important “Darshaneeya Kshetra (Must to been seen)”. The place is connected to second incarnation of Lord Dattatreya “Sri Nrusimha Saraswathy Swamy”.
Importance of this kshetra is explained by ShreeGuru which can be seen in “Shree Gurucharitra” (Life history of Lord Dattatreya). This Nirgun Math is adorned with the Nirguna Paduka’s which are very unique in nature and look. You never find any other “Nirgun Padukas” all around the globe except in Ganagapur.
These Paduka’s are named as Nirgun Padukas for few reasons, Nirgun means formless, without qualities or attributes, an epithet of God who is beyond three. These paduka’s looks like a red or chocolate oval color one which many people feel it is made up of stone, but in real no one knows what is inside the paduka’s. Whether it’s made up of stone or wooden one, till date no one has dared to test it. But it’s very soft like cotton and get feel as a human body when we hold and touch those paduka’s (Only priests are allowed to touch the paduka’s in the time from early morning 2.30 AM to 6.30AM). 2nd Incarnation of Lord Dattatreya i.e. Nrusimha Saraswathy swamy has only kept these paduka’s when he was leaving for Kardali Vana which is there in Srisailam while finishing his incarnation.
Ganagapur stands on the bank of the river Bhima in Afzalpur taluka in Kalaburagi (Gulbarga) district of Northern part of Karnataka. The confluence of Bhima and Amaraja (Amruta: highly purified water with no impurities) rivers are considered extremely holy in this area. Whoever takes bath in Sangam, will be free from their sins of all current and past lives and their wishes will be fulfilled.
There is a temple in Sangam in which the Shree Nrusimha Saraswathy Swamy performed the Anushthaan. The ‘Shila Padukas’ of Swamy are there at Sangam which everyone can take Darshan from early morning 3:00 AM to 1:.30 PM. After 12:30 Arati and Naivedya will be there so it will close for the day. But normal darshan will be continued till 9:00 PM.
Shree Nrusimha Saraswathy Swamy is the Purna avatar of Lord Dattatreya. He was born in Karanjapur which is modern Lad-Karanja or karanja in Maharashtra Vidharbha region.
Shree Nrusimha Saraswathy Swamy (Shreeguru) was initially named as Narahari. His father’s name was Madhav and mother’s name was Amba-Bhavani. His surname was Kale. He was born in a Deshastha Brahmin family Shulka-yajurvedi Brahman Kanva Shaka at Karanja.
Shreeguru assured that he would forever abide at Ganagapur Sangam and go round the village for ‘Biksha’ at 12:00 noon. Asking “Bhiksha” from the people at Ganagapur whatever Bhiksha he will get in that day was the food of Swamy.
Taking Biksha from atleast 5 houses and offering Bhiksha to atleast 5 people is having very importance at this holy place. Because swamy has said in the Guru Charitra as:
“Vasati raani sangamasi, Jati nitya Bhikshesi. Taya Ganagapurasi, Madhyanakali pariyesa” – Guru Charitra Chap No 21-22
Meaning: I will be staying at Sangam in gupta rupa, and will go to Ganagapur for bhiksha every day In the afternoon.
Even today Lord Dattatreya takes bhiksha every day at Ganagapur but in which form he will take we can’t recognize him by being human beings. But many saints and satpurusha’s have seen swamy taking bhiksha in Ganagapur. ShreeGuru “Sri Nrusimha Saraswathy” confirmed the same and it can be seen in Gurucharitra Adhyay (chapter 21-22)
At the time of Antardhan i.e. Avatar samapti, Shreeguru said to the disciples and citizens of Ganagapur as follows:
“You need not worry. I shall stay at this Ganagapur kshetra secretly in the form of Nirgun Paduka’s. I shall have bath at the Bheema-Amaraja Sangam River in the morning and will be doing Anushthan. In the mid-day, I shall come to Ganagapur math and accept Bhiksha in this village and accept your pooja and devotional services.”
From the view point of the public, I am going away from this place. My living presence will be experienced by anyone who bathes in the Bhima-Amaraja Sangam and takes darshan of my Padukas here. I will receive poojas at this Kshetra in the form of Padukas”. The Padukas of shreeguru Shree Nrusimha Saraswathy Swamy at this place are “Nirgun Padukas”
Shreeguru has been blessing his devotees with his divine acts on countless occasions. The aspirations of Datta devotees who worship him at Ganagapur Kshetra with true love, faith and dedication will be fulfilled. The miraculous experiences of such will ever remain hidden in the devotees own hearts. This is true even today also and devotees are getting experiences of Lord Datta’s presence at Ganagapur Kshetra.
Mentally retarded people and people who are suffering from chronic deceases are coming to this place and getting cured from their sad feelings. The trouble of bad or evil spirits and ghosts vanishes and one can get peace of mind with the darshan of Swamy Padukas at this Kshetra.
Many people got fulfilled their wishes, solved their problems and dreams from God’s grace soon after visiting Ganagapur and after taking just “Nirgun Paduka” Darshan.
People who are affected with bad evils spirits and who are suffering from any ghost issue will began screaming and shouting once the Chaughada {in the morning before the Puja starts, the large drums in the drum house (Nagarkhana) of Nirgun math are played loudly}. The drums play the part of call to prayers (puja) for the devotees. The drums are played (Chaughada) three times during the day, holy drum beating starts in the temple at 6:30 AM (1st Arati), 12:30 PM (2nd Arati) and 7:30 PM (3rd Arati).
One can feel the positive energy in Ganagapur if they come up with positive attitude and belief towards God and the temple.